Monday, September 10, 2012

a Strong Intellectual Democrat with Charisma will most always beat ANY Republican anytime for POTUS. Americans like smart Dems.

Notice how democrat presidents are always smart, well educated and w/fairly stable intellects: FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama.

While of GOPs ones,, Nixon , was the very smartest by far - (as opposed to Reagan , and the two Bush-s )- and Nixon went crazy.

A Smart Charismatic Democrat candidate for Potus --those being FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton Obama - win potus elections 9 to 1. <

Means that a Strong Intellectual Democrat with Charisma will most always beat ANY Republican anytime for POTUS. Americans like smart Dems. (JFK v Nixon: prime example. Maybe the 2 most dynamic politicians of the 20th Cent.)

Wet democrat rags like Kerry, Mondale [and as Carter became in 1980,] loose.

Humphrey & Gore, just barely lost , but again they do not quite fit the mold of being both very smart AND very charismatic, which just strengthens my point.

Obama is not Carter as much as the GOP would like to think he is, and Mitt Romney's rag is soaking up more water everyday, imho.

As LBJ and Truman fell into potus , and were not first elected, i did not count them in here above>> but either way, both won re-elect.

McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry they all lacked the great charisma factor, nor were they at the education / intellect level of FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama::: Stevenson was smart had good charisma , but not great charisma , and he was against General DDE a war hero , & after 16 years of a Democrat POTUS>> Stevenson was just doomed. :: As far as Humphrey, had charisma but not a Rhodes scholar or Editor of Harvard Law Review type. And it still took a smart charismatic Nixon to beat HHH, and just barely.

Obama fits the mold of "Smart AND Charismatic Democrat" 110%, while Mitt Romney is a wet GOP rag.  Much like John McCain became in 2008.