Friday, November 25, 2005

Questions on the Legality of Campaign Fund-Raising - New York Times

Questions on the Legality of Campaign Fund-Raising - New York Times: "'Contributions can only take you so far,' said former Senator John B. Breaux, a Louisiana Democrat who has relocated to a K Street law firm and is now advising clients on lobbying strategy. 'I tell them, 'Look, you can give to an elected official and take them to lunch, dinner and breakfast. "But if you are asking them to vote yes on an issue and they have 2,000 letters from home telling them to vote no, then you have a problem."

~~ The most powerful tool in any political lobby , is the handwritten letter from the home district . Even in this technopolitical world in which we now exist , the simple old ways of local storefront politics still prevails. ~~ TP